Stem Cell treatment

Hair Loss

The major reason for hair loss is hectic lifestyle and routine, use of chemicals and dyes, use of different products at the same time, and much more. It is very important to note that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital to maintain a healthy hair cycle. But in addition to a proper daily routine, undergoing hair loss treatments or transplants are some things that will help a person get better results. As everybody has a different type of hair loss problem and type, these treatments are customized and specialized according to one’s hair type, condition, length, and other factors. Above all, all of these treatments use the latest and most advanced technology

Losing up to 100 hair strands in a day is considered normal, but above that is a sign of a poor lifestyle or undiagnosed health concern. Whatever may be the reason, an effective hair loss treatment can restore the hairline and hair volume. Delhi Hair Transplant Clinic ensures you the best hair fall treatments in Delhi.

Symptoms of Hair loss
i. Gradual thinning of hair on the crown of the head
ii. Consistent appearance of bald patches on the scalp
iii. Loosening of the hair that causes tufts of hair to fall off
iv. Sudden hair loss from the entire body
v. Hair Loss in patches across the scalp

Causes of Hair Loss
i. Genetic predisposition
ii. Sudden hormonal changes or undiagnosed medical conditions
iii. Exposure to radiation therapy
iv. Persistent bouts of stress
v. Side-effects of medicines or supplements
vi. Lifestyle choices
vii. Chemical treatments on the hair

Diagnose Your Hair Loss

Diagnosis of hair may sound like an easy thing, but it is not as easy as it looks. If you go for a diagnosis, your doctor, at first, needs to assess your scalp and any kind of external symptoms which may include bald patches, scalp infections, etc. before proposing any further diagnosis. All your need is a thorough conversation with your doctor where you must discuss:
Lifestyle and dietary choices
Medical and family history
Daily hair care routine
Also, the diagnosis process involves conducting a few routine physical tests, such as:
Blood test
Pull test
Scalp biopsy
Light microscopy

Hair transplant with Stem Cell Treatment:
There are various methods for hair transplant and hair restoration. One of the most effective treatments for hair transplant is Stem Cell Treatment. The discovery of Stem Cell Treatment for a hair transplant is one of the most significant breakthroughs in medical history.
In stem cell treatment, a small sample of skin is taken from the patient’s head. The hair follicles of that particular sample are harvested for the transplant. Furthermore, the harvested follicles are replicated. After replication, they are implanted into the areas of hair loss on the scalp.

Advantages of a Stem Cell Treatment:
Can treat male as well as female pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia
Can also treat cicatricial alopecia

Why Delhi Hair Transplant clinic?
At Delhi hiar transplantt clinic, you will get the best solutions to all your hair problems. With the right treatments, this premature greying can be reversed and even stopped in some stances. We offer you the best hair-loss treatments & hair prevention services in Delhi. With a broad window for clinical dermatology services for every type of hair loss disorder, we aim at giving you the best dermal treatment experience.

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