Burn Scar Reduction

What Are Burn Marks?

Burn-Scar-Reduction, Burn scars are caused when our body gets in touch with a hot surface or fire. Sometimes, electricity, chemicals like acids, sun exposure, and certain radiations also can cause burns. counting on the character of the burn, it are often shiny, depressed, raised, smooth, or of the other texture. Laser burn scar reduction is one among the foremost common and highly recommended treatments. this is often a non-invasive process that’s supported phototherapy.

When our skin gets damaged thanks to a hot object or fire, it burns the skin tissues. Afterwards, collagen is produced naturally by our body to heal this area. While healing, the complexion might change and may even cause pigmentation. Some burn marks might heal over time while others are often permanent. There are 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree and 4th degree of burn scars depending upon the strength of the burn.

burn scar reduction

Burn And Scars Types

In order to know the way to get obviate burn scars, it’s important to find out how a burn heals. Ideally, a burn scar are often categorized as follows –

Hypertrophic Scars – A hypertrophic scar occurs when the collagen is deposited above the skin. It can turn the skin red or blue and raises it above the perfect level. These scars are mostly itchy.

Keloid Scars – When the assembly of collagen is even quite the hypertrophic scars, then it can form a Keloid. In these scars, a bump or lesion is made on the skin. they’re categorized by a shiny texture or fibrous lumps.

Contracture Scars – Contracture scars tighten the skin (and sometimes even the muscles) and cause permanent scarring of the tissues. A post-burn contracture scar can restrict the power to maneuver our muscles and bones also .

Can Laser Therapy Help In Burn Scars Reduction?

Laser burn scar reduction is one among the foremost common and highly recommended treatments. this is often a non-invasive process that’s supported phototherapy. In this, narrow and controlled laser beams are wont to repair the damaged skin cells. It boosts the assembly of collagen and reduces the occurrence of burn scars substantially. The laser treatment for burn scars is performed in multiple sessions and doesn’t have any drastic side effect.

What Results are you able to Expect?

Laser treatment could also be helpful for nearly all types of burn scar reduction treatments, but they’ll not have a 100% end in removing each sort of scar. Some scars might not be removed completely but they might enjoy a discount in appearance. While many other forms of burn scars would get away completely but this is able to be possible only after multiple sessions as determined by your dermatologist.

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