FUE Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant in Delhi

Follicular Unit Extraction 

Science and technology have become so advanced that there is a solution for hair problems. Head without hair makes us look ugly and older than our actual age. Our hair growth stops because follicles stop regrowing hair when we start getting older. Nowadays, this problem is coming in the early 20s, whether it’s scalp missing hair, beard or eyebrows.

Artificial hair on the head scalp is a temporary solution, and they are not your natural hair. To get a natural beard, head hair or any part of the body, go for Follicular unit extraction treatment. Many hair transplant clinics in India are helping patients to get their hair back. Some best clinics, such as Delhi hair transplant Clinic, use the Follicular Unit Extraction method.

It is the best method to get the hair back in a sparse area. If hairs are missing from your head or low density, get the hair transplant treatment in Delhi Clinic. The follicular unit extraction procedure is an effective treatment and gives the best results after the surgery.

What is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)?

It is a procedure in which hair grafts are extracted from the donor’s skin and inserted into the patient’s scalp. Follicular grafts are extracted from the donor’s body by the surgeon. There is no risk of scars on the skin because this procedure is scar less.

It is a painless process, and it takes minimal time for the patient to heal. Your natural hairs will start growing on your skin, where follicles will be implanted. This treatment is performed on patients who have bald scalp and want to regrow natural hair.

The follicular unit extraction method can be performed on both males and females but under the supervision of expert surgeons. Expertise is required to perform this procedure, and the Delhi hair transplant clinic surgeons have years of experience. 

Treatment Procedure of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

In this treatment procedure, the surgeon will himself extract the follicular grafts from the donor’s skin. In this procedure, old follicles will get removed by new donor’s follicles. Surgeons use advanced microsurgical instruments to extract hair from the donor’s skin. This method does not leave even a minor scar on the donor’s skin. 

The procedure takes around 3-4 hours of patient and expertise of the surgeon.

After removing the follicle graft, the cosmetic surgeon will implant them in the patient’s skin. It is a scarless procedure, and after inserting the follicles, they will provide post-surgery medication information. Soon after a few months, natural hair will start growing on the skin. 

Who is the right candidate for Follicular Unit Extraction?

The follicular unit extraction method can be performed on any area of the body where natural hairs are missing. It is a safe and verified procedure, but it is not for everyone. Only the right candidate can get this method done to get natural hair back. 

  • The medically healthy and fit people are the best candidates for Follicular unit extraction. 
  • A person who can sit continuously for 4 hours for the procedure can go for this procedure. 
  • The candidates whose hairs are missing from the head, beard or any part of skin are best for FUE.  
  • If a candidate’s hair is short and they are not growing anymore, they are the right candidates for FUE hair transplant. 
  • People who lose hair due to any injury or medicine reaction can get an FUE hair transplant done by the surgeon. 

Procedure of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

Follicular unit extraction hair transplant involves multiple steps to complete the whole treatment. An expert surgeon performs the full procedure, and limited staff is required for help. The whole procedure involves multiple steps- 

Inject Local Anaesthesia

When a patient reaches the hair transplant clinic, the surgeon injects Anaesthesia on the surgical area. A surgeon performs this process to make your operating area numb. With the help of Anaesthesia, the patient will not feel any pain during the whole process. The patients can see the whole surgery, but they will not feel anything in the operating area. Anaesthesia is the best way to go for a painless treatment. 

Follicular Graft Extraction and Examination

The surgeon uses a 0.6-0.9mm thin micro-punch instrument to remove the follicles from the skin. A professional surgeon will perform the follicle bulb removing process with proper care. Maximum 4 grafts can be extracted at a time. Then, the surgeon will remove grafts according to the requirements. 

Surgeons separate the follicle grafts and then check their condition under the microscope. One of the staff helpers will then count the number of grafts extracted from the skin. Then, they move to the step for hair transplant.

Making Tiny Incisions

After extracting the grafts and examining them, the surgeon marks the area where follicles are needed. Then, the surgeon will make tiny slits on the skin to implant the follicles. The incision depth depends on the length of the follicles graft. Then, the surgeon will analyze and decide the direction from which hairs will grow after transplant. To get an effective outcome, experienced doctors always implant hair according to the density and direction of the hair. 

Follicular Graft Implantation

After making tiny incisions, the surgeon implants the fats one by one in the skin. The cosmetic surgeon performs the whole hair transplant procedure himself. Grafts implantation is the most important step in the whole treatment. It requires skills that Delhi FUE hair transplant clinic surgeons have and are also experienced. After inserting the grafts, the surgeon cleans the area properly. In the end, the doctor put a bandage on that area for a good recovery. This whole process time depends on the grafts, but usually, it takes around 3-4 hours for the whole procedure. 

Why Delhi Hair Transplant Clinic is Best For FUE Hair Transplant In Delhi?

  • Delhi hair transplant clinic is best for FUE hair transplant because we have a certified team of doctors with years of experience. 
  • Surgeons have full knowledge about FUE and know how to perform the procedure. 
  • The full procedure is performed by in-house skilled surgeons from Anaesthesia to bandage. 
  • We use high-quality extraction micro-punch instruments.
  • We guarantee scarless and painless treatment.
  • Our FUE hair transplant surgery is budget-friendly and cost-effective. 
  • Our clinic and operation rooms are clean, hygienic and sanitized. 
  •  Follow-up, post-surgery care and proper medications are provided.
  • We deliver the best results to our patients. Our clinic is known as Delhi’s best Hair transplant clinic.

Before Surgery of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

Before surgery, patients have to follow a few things the surgeon suggests. By following these things, patients will see better results of surgery. 

  • Strictly avoid alcohol, drugs and smoking before the surgery.
  • Only take medicines and precautions suggested by the hair transplant surgeon. 
  • Don’t take any medicines for blood thinning, anxiety and vitamins. 
  • Only use hair oil suggested by the doctor to use before surgery. 
  • Do not get a haircut or any hair treatment before the FUE hair transplant treatment. 

After Surgery of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

After an FUE hair transplant, long hours of surgery recovery will take time, depending on the size of the surgery area. The surgeon will send you home on the same day of surgery after completing the procedure. The hair transplant area will get swollen after the surgery. The doctor will uncover the transplanted area by removing the bandage. The surgeon will recommend some medicines to reduce swelling and pain. The patient will feel pain for some days due to transplant surgery. The effective results will be visible after 5-6 months of surgery.

What to expect and medications?

It is very important to take post-surgery care to get effective results of the treatment. You can expect multiple things after surgery. 

Things that can you can expect in the transplanted area after surgery are- 

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Tangling

Follow these medications to get effective results of surgery- 

  • Do not put any pressure on the hair transplant area for a few weeks.
  • Don’t put water on the transplant area for at least 4 days. 
  • Avoid working at home or going outside for 5 days for fast recovery.
  • Do not comb transplanted hair for at least 1 month.
  • Strictly avoid covering the surgery area with any cloth or cap. 

You can experience these feelings like swelling, pain etc., mentioned above. The surgeon will provide medicine for pain and swelling for fast healing. You can expect hair fall after Follicular unit extraction hair transplant surgery. Slowing the transplanted area will heal, and your natural hair will start growing on the skin.

Follicular Unit Extraction Cost

The cost of Follicular unit extraction is quite expensive, but it also depends on many factors. 

  • Location of the Clinic
  • Clinic rating and reputation
  • Experience and expertise of the surgeons
  • Cost per graft 
  • Number of grafts required
  • Cost of Technique

The cost of Follicular unit extraction mostly depends on how many grafts are required. For 800-1000 grafts, it can cost between INR 45,000- INR 1,00,000. The surgery can cost between INR 75,000- INR 2,00,000 for 1000-2000 grafts. But this is only an estimate, and the actual price depends on all factors mentioned above. Clients can visit the clinic to consult the surgeon and know the surgery cost.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is FUE hair transplant surgery safe?

Yes, follicular unit extraction(FUE) hair transplant surgery is totally safe. However, there can be some minor side effects. There is a risk of infection, bleeding and swelling. But these are minor effects which will get recovered in 2-3 weeks. 

How long does FUE hair transplant surgery take?

Follicular unit transplant (FUE) hair transplant surgery takes only a few hours. The surgery needs one 3 to 4 hours, and it is a one-day procedure. Hours of surgery can increase depending on the number of grafts. It is a painless one-day procedure done by an experienced doctor with modern instruments. 

Are there any side effects of FUE hair transplant surgery?

Yes, patients face some side effects after FUE hair transplant surgery. Ask some medicines from the surgeon if you face any side effects after surgery. 

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Itching or Numbness

What are the advantages of FUE hair transplant surgery?

There are many advantages of FUE hair transplant surgery such as- 

  1. Best results and natural hair regrowth
  2. Painless and Scarless treatment
  3. No spots or stitches
  4. Long-lasting result 
  5. Cost-Effective surgery 
  6. No damage to the skin and existing natural hairs.
  7. Hair Follicles from any body part can be implanted 
  8. Experienced surgeons can do surgery on any body part such as beard, eyebrows, head, eyelashes, etc.

Are FUE hair transplant surgery results permanent?

Yes, if a patient follows post-operative care properly, ist results are permanent. FUE hair transplant surgery is a permanent solution for the natural regrowth of hair in any body part. With the help of this surgery, natural hair grows by inserting follicles from other parts of the body.

What is the recovery period of FUE hair transplant surgery?

After the FUE transplant surgery, the patient needs to take proper rest for one week. Fews days after surgery are crucial, and patients will feel discomfort and irritation. It takes around 2 weeks to feel good and recover. Slowly the crusts start falling from the transplanted area. After 5-6 months, the transplant area is fully healed, and natural hair grows on the skin.



BOOSTED-FUE Hair Transplant

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