Scar Reduction Surgery

No Such Thing As Getting Scarred For Life, Get Treated Now!

It has been said that time heals all wounds, but the scars remain. Well, worry not, because now we have a companion to time that will heal all your scars as well!

If you have been living in this world, you too must have been going through the motions of falling down and getting into accidents. It is very rare that someone does not have some kind of scar to show, right?

Now, this is where it varies; some of us have harmless small scars that aren’t too much of a bother, whereas some of us have scars that contain a lot of painful history.

In such cases, it makes sense why anyone would want to erase these scars; either the memory of the accident is very painful, or it tampers with their self-esteem.

With advancements in technologies happening almost every day, it is no surprise that we have something for such concerns as well!

What Are Scars?

While we have been told to view scars with a negative connotation, they are actually a fundamental part of the body’s healing process.

When you go through an accident that damages your skin and leaves you wounded, then your body needs to work on repairing the tissues so that it can cover the wound up.

Sometimes, the closing up of the wound does not take place uniformly, causing bumps and discoloration on the body. This results in scars. The scar tissue is made of a protein called collagen.

Types of Scars

  1. Contracture– This is the kind of scar that develops after a burn. As the name suggests, this is when the skin contracts and closes onto itself. These scars affect mobility, especially if they occur directly over muscles, nerves, and joints.
  1. Depressed (Atrophic) – These scars occur as an aftermath of chickenpox and acne. These scars are like engravings in your skin, and instead of being raised, they look like depressions.

Acne scars are more visible with age because your skin tends to lose collagen with time.

  1. Flat– When raised scars settle down over time and leave pink or red scarring, they are referred to as flat scars.
  1. Keloids– When scars grow beyond the wound and spread around, they are known as keloids. These cause trouble in movement.
  1. Raised –Scars that are limited to the wound and are raised are known as hypertrophic scars. You can feel them when you run your fingers over them. They may get smaller over time but never entirely flatten out.
  1. Stretch Marks– These are some that we are all familiar with. This is when the skin goes through expansions. These occur after childbirth, puberty, or weight change and are mostly concentrated in areas such as breasts, thighs, stomach, and upper arms.

Not all scars are for life, most of them fade away with time and leave no trace behind, but it also depends on how your body reacts to things.


What Causes Scars?

Scars are a part of your body’s healing process. You cannot skip them or reach recovery without them, so we advise you to take it slow and not feel worried about it.

Your skin is the barrier between your internal organs and the world. It is an integral part of your immune system. When any part of your immune system gets compromised, the body works on itself so that you can continue staying alive and healthy.

When you get injured on your skin, the body gets to work and forms new tissues made out of collagen to heal your injury.

The newly formed tissue helps you stay away from infections, and the collagen fibers help heal the damaged skin and close any and all exposed areas.

Collagen is a very important part of your body and its functioning. It makes your bones dense and helps protect your joints. These also effectively help in the improvement of scars and wounds.

Can Scars Be Treated?

Depending on the size, location, and history of the injury, you can definitely get your scar diminished if not entirely erased using a variety of techniques.

MNRF Fractional CO2 LASER

The MNRF Fractional CO2  laser is a technique that uses laser technology on your scars to remodel them. Stands for Microneedle and Radio Frequency Fractional Laser Treatment. As the name suggests, it takes the help of microneedles and radiofrequency in order to work directly upon scars.

This technique is used for acne scars and open pores. We have heard about a lot of homemade remedies and other techniques that claim to work on acne scars and help open your pores. While these sound feasible, they don’t really work. Some of these techniques that you might have heard of include scrubbing and steaming. While they may have temporary benefits, they are not the methods you should be going for if you want effective results.

How Does MNRF Work?

Micro needling means using a lot of minute needles on your skin. Gentle pressure is applied using these so that the skin gets the signal to amp up collagen production so that your skin gets rejuvenated and the scarring improves greatly. The good thing about this treatment is that it does not require heat.

Radiofrequency is introduced into the skin via a tube filled with carbon dioxide in order to create micro-thermal wounds at the target site. These vaporize surface-level tissue, giving way to newer and undamaged tissue to come up and give you a renewed and rejuvenated look.

Since this is a very invasive treatment, patients will be left with redness and sensitive skin after the treatment and may have to stay indoors in order to recover.

This treatment works in columns, allowing the skin in specific target sites to heal and connect with the remaining healthy skin. It helps in reducing wrinkles, acne scars, fine lines, and other dermal irregularities. This treatment can be used by people of any and all age groups, as the intensity of the treatment can be altered to suit the patient’s skin type and needs.

The Microneedle and Radio-frequency CO2 Laser treatment is currently the best treatment for acne scars and fine lines. 

Process Of MNRF

The process of Microneedle RF requires a special device that acts upon the abrasions present on the skin, making the skin get stimulated.

There is an increase in collagen and elastin formation – two proteins that are responsible for the healing and strengthening of the skin.

The treatment may get altered a little depending on the client’s needs. There can be an infusion of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the holes created so that there is increased activity on the target sites, causing quicker and more effective redevelopment of tissues.  The PRP allows for deeper penetration of the nutrients, which causes effective action from within. You can get a consultation and see if you need to induce PRP in your MNRF treatment as well.

You will have a down period of about three days after the treatment, during which there will be redness. After that, you can go out like you normally would, until the next session.

With MNRF, you can also go back to using your makeup and products that you usually do, as long as your dermatologist doesn’t tell you to avoid certain products.

The radio frequency that gets delivered to the skin helps in tightening the skin, giving you a more youthful look. It helps get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Since the RF gets introduced deeply inside of your dermis, its action is a long-lasting one. Each session builds more on the action that the previous session resulted in. Hence, whenever you go for the next session, you are just building upon the work your skin has already done, making it a better treatment than many others that are available out there.

MNRF technique requires the usage of needles and is intensive. Hence topical anesthesia is induced for the comfort of the patients. You will not feel any kind of pain, and the treatment will be over in anything between sixty to ninety minutes.

A Quick Guide To MNRF Fractional CO2 Laser

In order to make it easier for you, here’s a quick and effective summing up of the MNRF technique for you.

What Is It Used For?

The MNRF technique is used for the following things –

  1. Getting rid of fine lines and facial wrinkles, so this is a better alternative to other treatments these days that are not as natural as this
  2. Help reduce scarring from acne. We all know how horrible acne can get for some of us and how medicines just don’t help sometimes.
  3. Help get rid of scarring from chickenpox. Chickenpox scars can make your skin look weird. If it is fixable, why not fix it, right?
  4. Get better skin texture and introduce regularity in skin density.
  5. Get rid of saggy and lifeless skin and give way to new and lively-looking skin.

On average, a patient goes through five sessions in order to achieve complete results. However, there is significant development after every session, and it is a permanent kind. Hence, the treatment isn’t the kind that will make you wait to see results; you will indeed see the difference from day one.

The duration of one session is around one hour to ninety minutes, and there is some recommended downtime of about three days after the procedure in which you need to stay away from the outside. You should get your schedules planned in such a way that will allow you to stay at home and recover.

While a lot of people think MNRF is like any other laser treatment, the former has less discomfort and a smaller recovery period as well. You don’t have to sit at home and avoid everything for a week after the treatment, nor do you have to change your lifestyle extremely to suit the laser.

The redness that you will see after the treatment stays for a day or two and then fades away, giving way to your natural skin color. You can apply makeup and your regular skincare products after 24 hours from the treatment. Make sure to consult your dermatologist to see what products and ingredients you are supposed to avoid.

Keep your skin clean and don’t use harsh products, or else you can succumb to infection.

Results Of MNRF

The common myth surrounding all skin treatments is that they help eradicate the scar completely. This is never possible, but we can definitely say that the MNRF Fractional CO2 Laser treatment provides you with the maximum results.

By the time you have reached your fourth or fifth session, your scar will have disappeared about fifty to seventy percent, which is a significant number. It also depends on the size and type of scar that you have, but the treatment helps make it fade away as much as possible. It should also be noted that your own skin’s healing abilities come into play as well when we talk about recovery.

If you have any apprehensions or want to know how this treatment will affect you specifically, it is advised that you consult a dermatologist who is well-versed with these things.


What is the downtime after the MNRF Fractional CO2 laser?

You need to stay away from the sun for three days after the session.

Why is my skin red after the MNRF Fractional CO2 Laser treatment?

Your skin will remain red for a couple of days after the treatment because your skin is exfoliating itself. Keep applying the ointment your doctor has given to you, if any, and stay away from the sun.

Are the results of the MNRF Fractional CO2 Laser treatment permanent?

The result that you gain after every procedure is indeed permanent. The next session will begin where you left off in the previous one.

How many sessions of MNRF Fractional CO2 Laser treatment are required?

Usually, a patient requires 3-5 sessions over a period of five to six months. The gap between each session depends on the intensity of your session and the kind of micro-needling and radiofrequency treatment you decide to undergo.

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