Micro Dermabrasion / Diamond Polishing


Diamond skin polishing may be a very safe and delicate thanks to help smoothen, rejuvenate, and repair the skin. The basketball shot the microdermabrasion gadget is replaced by a diamond tip unlike a crystal. The diamond is fourfold harder than the corundum crystals. The common usage of aluminium-Oxide crystal and also other Crystal microdermabrasion are quite unhygienic, risky, and should cause skin irritation which could lead on to skin problems to the patient also on the microdermabrasion technician.

Microdermabrasion may be a process that uses high velocity for pushing specially refined crystals on to the surface of your skin. this is often used for exfoliating the dead skin cells and it also helps in promoting growth of latest skin cells. This procedure helps to make a smoother skin surface along side a glowing and youthful skin. this is often a skin exfoliation technology which is new and safe. It helps in smoothening, rejuvenating and repairing the skin. Here rather than crystal diamond tips are utilized in the microdermabrasion machines. The diamonds are far harder and simpler than crystals.

In this procedure the outermost layer of the skin (epidermal layer) is loosened and removed by moving the crystals on the skin with pressure. This process is additionally referred to as sandpapering effect. It offers a healthy glow to the skin and improves the blood circulation, thereby improving the looks of the skin. the assembly of the new skin cells increases the instant the outer skin layer of the skin is removed and therefore the new formed skin cells help within the renewal of the surface of the skin.

Procedure of Skin Polishing (Microdermabrasion)

Before the procedure the medical record of the patient is examined. After a through cleansing of the skin, a protective pair of goggle is employed to hide the eyes to stop any stray particle from getting into the eyes while the microdermabrasion machine is passed on the skin near the eyes. By changing the number of crystal getting used , the pressure and also the length of the treatment, the intensity of the treatment are often changed. The crystals are aimed on the face and are then immediately vacuumed away, this also has loosened skin particle. this is often put away during a separate container, these crystal aren’t used again.

Microdermabrasion are often used for following Skin Problems:

  • Fine lines
  • Stretch marks
  • Pigmentation
  • Excess boring
  • Scar reduction
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Wrinkles
  • Whiteheads and blackheads
  • Open pores
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sun damage
  • Dull ,congested and stressed skin
  • People suffer from skin imperfections or have problems like minor scars, age spots, uneven skin texture and pigmentation,
  • clogged pores, wrinkles and damage thanks to exposure to the sun. This treatment is additionally effective in treating patients
  • who have acne or rosacea.

Benefits of Microdermabrasion:

  1. Skin appear younger glowing and healthier.
  2. The treatment is painless
  3. Facial redness after the procedure is minimized
  4. Affordable
  5. This treatment are often done again after a brief interval.
  6. The procedure is straightforward and quick to perform
  7. It is effective on all skin types and complexions
  8. Anesthetize not needed
  9. Great results
  10. Very little treatment time
  11. Risk-free procedure
  12. Minimal or no discomfort
  13. Less expensive
  14. Healthy and hygienic
  15. Suitable for all skin types
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