Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hair loss at a young age can mean that a person is not healthy or does not eat nutrition well. Moreover, certain drugs or medical procedures also cause hair loss.

Hairstyles like a tight pony that pull your hair for a long time can also cause your hair to fall out. Hair loss can be extremely stressful. Losing 50-100 hairs a day is normal as this level of hair loss is completely normal and how that lower end is the hair follicle.

Here hair pigment known as melanin keratin is produced. The lost and damaged hair is replaced and strengthened naturally and organically. It grows back from the same hair follicles on the head.

However, if you are experiencing hair loss and do not know what is causing it, consulting a doctor or hair specialist is one of the best factors to consider. As most of the time, the reason behind the hair loss is unpredictable and unsaid.

The doctor can examine why hairs fall abnormally and, if necessary, suggest treatments for the respective problem. Nothing to worry about in most of the majority of cases.

And if you are constantly losing hair, something could be wrong. Also, the excessive hair fall leads to uninvited stress, damage, lack of confidence, and lack of self-worth. 

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss, also termed Alopecia, can simply affect your scalp or whole body. It could be transient or permanent depending on genetic circumstances, weather effects, and nutrition value.

Hair is formed up of a protein called keratin that is formed inside our body and can be consumed with additional resources from outside. Every single follicle of hair has a stem that is the visible part, roots under the skin, and hair follicles. The hair follicle is the place where the actual hair root grows.

In most cases, hair loss in adolescence is temporary, but the problem becomes common and persistent with an increase in age. For temporary hair loss, hair usually grows back after the problem that caused it is resolved. It may also be the extreme result of heredity, hormonal changes, scientific conditions, or a regular part of ageing.

Anyone can lose hair on their head at any point of time that is not classified as so; however, it’s a different, not unusual place for men mostly. Hair loss, mostly termed as Baldness, is usually the excessive hair loss on the scalp due to defined reasons above, or hereditary hair loss in old age is the most common cause of baldness worldwide. Hair loss is preventable yet one of the world’s major concerns for now.

As per the data provided by many sources, it’s not overwhelming to realise that the prevalence of hair loss is around 60.3%, only India found it majorly in the late 30s. The prevalence of dandruff is found to be around 17.1%, which forms the major concerns of the hair fall in the late 30s age group of India, The prevalence of chlorosis in men aged 18-35 years was found to be 37.97%.

Hair loss is directly or indirectly related to the weather phenomenon very deeply co-related with the factors of the nutrition intake value. The symptoms of hair fall are detectable in the very early period if paid enough attention. 

Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women

Hair starts thinning with the present humidity and environmental conditions that gradually tapers off at the vertices or the hair roots. This is the most common type of hair loss that affects people as they age and move towards their late 30s. In men, very specifically, hair often begins to fall out from the hairline on the forehead majorly.

Women usually extend parting in their hair because of genetic disorders or hormonal effects. But an increasingly common type of hair loss observed in older women is a patch of baldness, mostly in the forehead area and on the temporal known as frontal fibrosis alopecia.

While some people lose their hair from the round or mottled bald spots on the scalp or eyebrows.

The skin may become itchy or injured before the hair comes off. This starts when a sudden climate change appears or due to a change of water or added chemical usage in the products used for the cleansing and conditioning.

Physical or psychological trauma can also lead to hair loss. A bunch of hair may fall out when combing or washing your hair or even after a slight cramp. This type of hair loss is usually temporary, although there is generally an overall thinning of the hair.

This is accelerated with added stress, workload changing social and economic aspects, and undue burden on the mind that lead to the thinning of the hair with excessive hair loss if not cured and paid required attention.

Sometimes doctors prescribe medicines that have hair loss as a side effect. Chemotherapy drugs for cancer are probably the medicines most known for causing hair loss. But hair loss also can be a side effect of some medicines used to treat acne, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. Diet pills that contain amphetamines also can cause hair loss in huge amounts.

Another kind of baldness comes with people doing hairstyles and irritating their scalp that may be permanent in some cases. Having hair fashion that attracts tightly can cause something referred to as traction alopecia which is a technical term for so.

Traction alopecia can also be harmful to the hair follicles if you put on a fashion that attracts the hair for an extended time. If you have your hair styled and it hurts, ask the stylist to redo it so that it’s far from painful.

Pain is an indication of an excessive amount of traction at the hair. Excessive heat, chemicals, and styling cause another form of hair fall or baldness that is seen to be permanent with the severe loss of hair follicles.

Classification of Hair Fall Between Men and Women

Loss of hair fall is very common in both men and women yet there are certain specifications and differences in the type of hair fall they experience. The difference or the classification depends upon the physical structure contributed by the hormonal specifications.

One of the very common causes of hair loss in both sex is a probably genetic disorder called the androgenetic alopecia mentioned above.

Androgenetic alopecia is a hair loss condition which is caused by changes in androgens, specifically the male hormone dihydrotestosterone. Both sex have hormones that help to regulate hair growth and also other body functions.

High levels of sex hormones are thought to cause a disorder known as androgenic alopecia that causes excessive hair fall and leads to baldness

In men this androgenic alopecia usually causes the pattern of hair loss that starts at the front of the head, causing a hair loss in a particular fashion and, eventually, a “C” shaped visible scalp region of the head in the majority of the cases. In some people, this results in even complete baldness, but generally, partial baldness is more frequent.

In males, pattern hair loss is seen to start relatively early in comparison to women. However, the major portion of them who experience this type of hair loss are in their late 40s.

In women, the same illness is known as “female pattern hair loss” however it appears differently in women than in men. Women’s hair loss is much more dispersed and not rooted in one place, as opposed to being centred on the front or crown of the head.

Rather than balding, hair tends to appear thin. Because of this thinning, many women feel no elasticity in their hair part as they become older and look aged before their age. As a result of this in the female pattern, hair loss occurs in very few women who have total baldness compared to men.

Diagnosis of Hair Fall Between Men and Women

Hairfall can be diagnosed depending upon the different circumstances and conditions established. To determine the cause of hair loss, one physical or a medical standard can be used to analyse the condition and severity of the hair fall. Be ready to answer a certain queue of questions that will be asked by your dermatologist during the diagnosis. That list of questions may include your family background as if anybody in your family experienced hair loss, types of hairstyles you wear, and various other questions.

Moreover, any medical condition you are suffering from will also be asked by your dermatologist. Some tests and normal medical procedures can be done for testing some unnoticed details regarding the hair fall.

Moreover, your dermatologist will also do a pull and plug test. During the testing, your doctor will pull about 40 strands of hair in different positions of the scalps and then pull. When 6 or more strands are lost, it is so-called active hair loss. This determines the amount of hair loss naturally and effectively.

While a tug test involves the doctor grasping a section of hair and holding it with two hands, one near the root and one near the tip, then tugging to see if any of the strands break in the middle. This test informs your dermatologist about the brittleness or fragility of your hair strands. This determines the strength of the roots and hair follicle strength.

Another type of diagnosis is a card test. With this type of test, a dermatologist determines the actual condition of the hair and a calculation on the new hair growth possibilities with the treatment and medication.

A Fungal Culture or a Fungal Infestation Check is a test that may be done in laboratories to identify mould in hair or scalp cells, which is one of the most prevalent causes of hair loss in India.

Your dermatologist may give you this test if you suspect a fungal infection called scalp dermatomycosis or ringworm of the scalp is causing your hair to fall out.

If your hair loss is related to an underlying condition, vitamin or mineral deficit, or a hormonal imbalance, the doctor may request one or more blood tests.

For example, women who have lost all of their hair may seem to have hereditary baldness, but an iron deficiency might be the reason.

The right diet plan is suggested along with additional multivitamins to regrow the hair.

A healthy diet, in addition to numerous other factors, is one of the most significant and essential. Hair can benefit from a nutritious diet. Some medical professionals advocate utilising baby shampoo for hair removal because it is free of chemicals and parabens, your hair should be washed only once a day, and you should use gentle soap.

Also, avoid rubbing your hair with a towel. Cleaning up the blow dryer or hot-air-drying the hair is advised by many hairstylists. If you can’t live without your dryer, it’s a good idea to use it at a low setting.

Heating, difference period, or extreme humidity not allowing the sweat in your hair to adjust after exercise, exercise, heat, or change periods.

When your hair is wet, you can inadvertently make it stretch or even break. As a result, it’s advised to style your hair when it’s dry. Avoid using any type of irritant on your hair or scalp, including backcombing, as they can cause damage. Finally, be cautious when using chemicals like straighteners or colour treatments.


Alopecia areata (also known as Alopecia) is a condition that occurs in which the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles. This causes loss of hair. Hair loss is possible from any body part. Alopecia areata is most commonly seen on the face and the head.

The loss of hair typically occurs in tiny, round patches of about the size of one quarter. However, in certain cases, hair loss can be more severe. Most patients are healthy and don’t have other signs or symptoms.

It is a difficult process to diagnose Alopecia can vary from individual to. Some suffer from losing hair throughout their life, whereas others have only one or two episodes. The recovery process is also unpredictable as hair grows fully for some individuals but not for others.

There isn’t a cure for alopecia or alopecia areata; however, treatments aid in regrowing hair faster. There are resources available to assist people in coping with hair loss.


Effective treatments for various kinds and types of loss in the hair are readily available. It’s possible to reverse the loss of hair, or at the very least, reduce it. In certain conditions that cause hair loss in patches (alopecia areata), hair can grow back without treatment in one year. Treatment options for hair loss include surgeries and medications.


Suppose the loss of your hair results from an underlying illness, and treatment for the disease is necessary. If a specific medication is responsible for hair loss, the doctor might advise that you stop taking it for a couple of months.

There are medications available to treat the condition of pattern (hereditary) hair loss. The most commonly used options are:

 Minoxidil (Rogaine): Available over-the-counter (nonprescription), minoxidil is available in foam, liquid, and shampoo versions. Apply the product on the scalp once a day for women and twice a day for males to get the most benefit. Many prefer to apply the foam while the hair is damp.

Minoxidil-based products can help people regrow their hair, reduce hair loss, or both. It should take six months after treatment to keep your hair from losing further and initiate hair regrowth.

Finasteride (Propecia): It is a prescription medication for males. You can take it every day in the form of pills. Most people who are taking finasteride notice the loss of hair slowing down and some who notice a new growth of hair.

It could take several months to determine if it’s effective for you. It is essential to continue using it to maintain any advantages. Finasteride may not perform similarly for those older than 60.

Other medicines: Other options for oral use include Spironolactone (Carospir Aldactone) and oral dutasteride (Avodart).

Hair Transplant Surgery

In the most typical form of permanently lost hair, only the top part of the hair is affected. Hair transplants, also known as restoration surgery, are a way to maximize the amount of hair that you’ve left.

When performing a hair transplant, the doctor of dermatology or cosmetic surgery takes hair from an area of the head covered in hair and transfers it to an area of hair loss. Each patch of hair contains at least one or two hairs (micrografts and mini grafts). Sometimes, a larger skin section containing many hair clusters is taken.

Laser Therapy

The Food and Drug Administration has approved using a low-level laser to treat hair loss that is inherited in females and males. A couple of small studies have proven that it can increase hair density. More research is needed to establish long-term effects.

Lifestyle and remedies for home use

You may want to experiment with various hair care techniques to discover one that helps you feel more confident about your appearance. For instance, you can use styling products that give the volume of your hair, colour it, and choose a style that makes a wider part less obvious.

Make use of extensions or wigs, or cut your hair. Discuss with a hairdresser for suggestions. You can employ these strategies to treat temporary or permanent hair loss.

The loss of your hair can be a typical and troubling sign after the approval of two medicines that stimulate hair growth: finasteride and minoxidil. You can now be treated for certain forms of hair loss. Hair is an absolute crown to everyone’s crown so losing its beauty shine is a very painful experience. If you’re looking to improve how your hair looks and feels, make sure you follow these tips frequently.

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